
~ Sankeien ~

What time in your country now ~ ? x)
Here, it's 0:40am ~ :O
おそいね。。。(It's late you know)
But I am okiedokie XD(Is it ok the way to use Okiedokie?XD)

This time, I would like to show everyone "Sankeien" :D
It's big and so beautiful garden:)
It's near by my house though I visited there first time:O

The garden is relative to "Tokugawa" though, I don't know well about japanese history so I put the Sankeien's homepage XD gomen~^^;


Anyway, look!
This is the entrance^^

You can see the view as soon as pass the entrance!!!!!:D
きれいでしょ? x)

There are many "Matsu" tree:D
Be careful when you touch the tree~ x)
I like Matsu tree^^

You can take a rest at such bench seeing nice view x)
本当にきれい!!(It's really beautiful!!)


 I found the old fashion house? though I couldn't into there because of photograph:O

The lady was drawing the view x)
Hehe I wanna try drawing too:D (My drawing is horrible though...XD)

The couple was taken photo for marriage!!!!!!!*o*
good good x))
They were smiling a lot x) hehe

Tottoro Tottoro ~ ♪

(I don't know how to say in english...^^; buuu)
Any angles are beautiful??
Everything are beautiful!!!
I wanna be tall too:O
Come on Totoroooooo!!!!XD
I found the cafe ~ x)

 hehehe x)
They let me feel old style cafe x)
It's cozy ~ x) hehe
I ate "Maccha Kakigoori"
Oishiiiiiii x)

This is the cafe ^-^
It looks nice isn't it?:D
good good x)
I feeded turtles and carps and ducks :3
They are always hungry xD
You can buy their food at the cafe^-^


Nya Nya ~♪
I found the cat on way to go out ~ x)

Hiii finish~~~ x)
How was the Sankeien?:D
It's so hot weather though I enjoyed so much!!
You can enjoy there about 2 ~ 3 hours inclduing food x)
When you get an opportunity to come to Yokohama, I want you to visit Sankeien^-^


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